Real adverts 2

A further collection of amusing errors made with signs and adverts.

Sign in pet shop -

Dog for sale: Eats anything and is fond of children.


Sign in fishmongers -

Anyone wanting to buy fresh fish we will keep in freezer for the day

'Special offer' in cookery utensil shop -

Mixing bowl set designed to please cook with round bottom for efficient beating

Know anyone it would suit??

Sign outside church -

Don't let worry kill you.....let the church help.


Advert for builders -

Our motto is to give our customers the lowest possible prices and workmanship.

Amusing sign for dry cleaners -

38 years on the same spot!


Heard in church -

'It being Easter, we will ask Mrs Jones to come forward and lay an egg on the altar.'

Mmm, could have worded that a little better!

Funny sign in a shoe shop

Come in and have a fit!!


Sign at the entrance to a maternity ward -

No children please.

Now, that could be a problem.

Funny sign on a maternity ward door -

Push Push Push


Notice at a safari park

Elephants, please stay in your car.

Let's hope the elephants can read, eh?

Advert in antique shop -

4-poster bed - 101 years old. Perfect for antique lover

Think about it, carefully

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