Writing credits

The ideal way to get your work marked!

You can get your work marked and sent back by one of our tutors using writing credits.

How does it work?

As a subscriber you can buy a bank of credits from 1 to 10 for an equivalent number of pieces of writing.

Each credit costs £47 and you can write up to 450 words.This will include both IELTS Task 1 and Task 2 for 1 credit.

You can buy 5 or 10 credits for writing and send the essays when you are ready - you don't have to send them all at once! In fact it is better to have your work marked before you write again so that you can use the comments and suggestions for your next piece.

Writing should be written in Microsoft Word (so that we can make clear corrections)

We will return it within 3 days with corrections and you can ask us about anything you are not sure about.


1 Writing Credit1 Writing Credit
Get one piece of your work marked and sent back by one of our tutors


5 Writing Credits5 Writing Credits
Get five pieces of your work marked and sent back by one of our tutors


10 Writing credits10 Writing credits
Get 10 pieces of your work marked and sent back by one of our tutors


3 matching record(s).

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