
Berni WallAre you ready to take your English language skills to new heights?

- How would it feel to be able to function in any situation with really great English skills?


A key feature when you want to really get your English language skills in tip-top condition is to expose yourself to real, authentic, everyday language.

The problem with this 'real' language is that it can be very challenging and sometimes you can feel overwhelmed by it

  • There may be too many words you don't know

  • You may feel that you have to access it with a dictionary by your side which can make it boring and time-consuming

  • Or you may even be too afraid to try in the first place

Find our more about ™Gapfillersprofessional


GapfillersProfessional is a 6-month programme, covering the English you need for work and offered online. It uses exercises created from real, authentic materials and combines these with weekly group speaking sessions and some 1:1 Skype lessons.

6 Months

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