IELTS Speaking Part Two

2 Examples 

Congratulations for stepping up to improve your speaking skills for IELTS.

I am really happy that you have decided to focus on your speaking preparation and here are two examples which I am sure will help you to prepare for Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking

In the boxes to the right of this page you will find two examples of Part 2 which you can listen to here or download.

These are native speaker examples but as well as listening to them and using them as models for your own speaking preparation, you might want to consider certain aspects of the speaking on these two files.


Pay attention to the following points:


  1. The speaking is not very fast - the delivery is measured and yet still fluent - fast does not = fluent!
  2. There are some hesitations - these are natural in speech - but not too many. The speaker uses erm.. and er.. now and again and also another 'thinking' technique of slowing down the first couple of words in the sentence: It... was... a very diff...icult choice.. (not too much)
  3. The vocabulary here is not very sophisticated but the piece is very natural. Conjunctions like that.. and .. are common a few phrasal verbs some idioms
  4. This is a good base from which to begin - if you have fantastic vocabulary but you are not very fluent or the examiner has problems understanding you the vocabulary will not help much.
  5. The 'choice' Part 2 is actually a story there is chronology - information about the past and the present this shows good use of tenses - great tip if you can tell a story the do it's easy to organise your thoughts and your language!
  6. Part two is always personal so use your experiences, opinions, emotions to describe the topic. Imagine you are telling a friend or family member rather than the examiner.


These are the topics you will hear:


Describe a game or sport you enjoy playing.

You should say:

- What kind of sport it is 
- Who you play it with 
- Where you play it 
- And explain why you enjoy playing it



Describe an important choice you had to make in your life.

You should say:

- When you had this choice 
- What you had to choose between 
- Whether you made a good choice 
- And explain how you felt when you were making this choice


What to do with these examples:

  • Firstly, listen to both examples and get an overall impression of how they flow

  • Then go through and pick out some words and phrases that you think are good and would like to use

  • Thirdly, once you have listened a couple of times see if you can copy them using your own experiences - how did that go?

  • Then, try repeating them sentence by sentence for pronunciation practice!

  • Finally, make your own recordings of your own part 2 topics listen to these and BE CRITICAL. The record again and try to improve them. Record as many times as you like until you are happy wit the result.

  • I use this technique a lot with students and it really works in improving fluency.


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