IELTS 3-month programme

Berni Wall


Do you want to take more time over your IELTs preparation?


If so then maybe the 3-month IELTS training programme is right for you.


You will find the same attention to detail and the same support as on our other Gapfillers programmes. We'll take you through the whole exam looking at the specific areas that YOU need to work on to get teh score you want. We'll support you in all the exercises and give you extra help for those which you find most challenging.


You will have a weekly programme to follow and send your writing and meet on Skype to practise speaking and go over all the other areas too.


If you prefer a gentler pace or you want to make sure that you really cover everything before you book your exam then 3 months could just suit you.


Contact me and I will arrange a Skype call for us to discuss your IELTS and the programme.



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