Berni wall

Do you need Band 7 and above?

Are you feeling like this?

  • "I can't face another Task 2 essay!"

  • "I wish I'd never started with IELTS"

  • "My life is on hold until I pass this exam"

Then read on, this could help you..

These are real quotations from real people, and not only that, I hear these phrases and others like them over and over again.

Many of my students came to me in the past because they were feeling just like this. They were in a continuous circle of exam, band 6, study, exam, band 6, study again. They weren't enjoying their lives and they felt resentful against the exam and even their chosen careerer because of this.

They had lost confidence in their ability, their English and their future.

If you are feeling like this then it doesn't have to be this way. You can change your thinking and your chances for a successful outcome.

We can often become a slave to something and then not find a way out. By simply sharing the problem and looking for a solution we can break free from it and move on to success.

Those students took this path got the band they wanted and moved ahead with their life and their dreams.

When you feel despondent (and I don't think this word is too strong for the way some of my students have felt) you can't see a way forward. You continue to do what you have been doing in the belief that soon things will change. The fact is they won't, not until YOU change.

  • It's the law of attraction, you feel low and that affects how you perform.

  • It's a self-fulfilling prophecy - if you have lost confidence and believe that you will never get your band score then the chances are that you won't.

Remember the very first IELTS exam you took? How did you feel? Were you prepared? Were you confident? I'm sure you were and whatever score you got, that was the score you were prepared for. So YOU WERE SUCCESSFUL, just not at the level that you wanted.

Success breeds success and YOU can have this if you change - break free from the test-study-test cycle. Put some enjoyment back into your learning - think about improving your English language and not about passing IELTS and go into your next exam with your head held high and the will to succeed.

IELTS examiners want you to do well.

I know that this is true because I know examiners - I used to be one myself and I know that every time I examined, my heart wanted every candidate to be the very best they could be. This is absolutely true.

Examiners can only score what you give them to score

The examiner is not a mind reader and they must score what they see and hear. This is why it is very important that you perform to the fullest extent. You must give them as much as you can. This is even more important at higher bands.

Examiners understand that you are nervous

Everyone is nervous it is natural. The examiner will take this into account. Your job is to prove to them that you are band 7 - go in and prove it!

Wow, this is not that complex, be at band 7 level English and then prove it - that's all you need to do really.

The question now is HOW?

  • How do I make sure my English is at band 7?

  • How can I change what I do to move me closer to my goal?

  • How do I get the confidence to go into my next exam and succeed?

Let me help you.

Sign up now for the free webinar - Breakthrough to IELTS higher bands

on Wednesday June 22nd at 12.00 London time (11.00 GMT)

and make sure that you get the information you need to make a difference to your scores.

On the form - give us your name and email address and tell us you want to attend the webinar and we'll email the details to you.

On this webinar you will learn how to change your mindset and your study techniques to get you on your way towards the band 7 and above that you dream of.

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