Gapfillers Birthday Presents!

To celebrate our 4th birthday we are giving away presents to all our Members. Look out for these each week in October!


Week 1 (Oct 4th)

  • New feature - English Language learning tip of the week ( a weekly tip for improving your skills will be posted online) See the first tip!
  • Murder Mystery Game - sign up to participate places are limited!

Week 2 (Oct 11th)

The next 4 gifts are for full Gapfillers members - you can join them too as we have a very special subscription offer for you!!

99 year subscription!!

Week 3 (Oct 18th)

  • Video Chat Groups - is this something you might be interested in. We're looking to do this in January let us know if you'd like to participate - send a message.
  • Monthly webinar - we will be holding a webinar every month where you can come along and learn some tips about learning English from one of our Gapfillers English teachers and ask them any questions you have.

Week 4 (Oct 25th and beyond!!)

  • Gapfillers Scavanger hunt
  • Gapfillers Quizz nights!
  • Gapfillers great Birthday party!


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