Put- downs and cheeky insults

put downs

For those occasions when you just NEED to have an ascerbic 'parting shot'!


"Why don't you go home and brush up on your ignorance?"


"The wheel's spinning, but the hamster's dead!"


"Don't let your mind wander. It's not strong enough to be out on it's own!"


put downs


"It's as much use as a chocolate tea pot"

"It's as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike!"


"If you ever tax your brain, don't charge more than a penny!"


"I'd like to help you out. Where did you come in?"


"If there's nothing to say, I'm sure you'll say it!"

put downs



Winston Churchill was very quick with an insult or put-down. In Parliament the foil for many of his insults was Lady Astor. Here are just 2 of their most famous, and show that Lady Astor, too, was capable of a quick put-down.


"Madam, if you were my wife I should poison you"

"And, sir, if I were your wife, I would drink it!"


put downs


"Sir, you are drunk"

"And you, madam, are ugly. But in the morning I shall be sober......."



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