w/b April 23rd what's coming


Everything is getting back to normal after the holidays. We hope you all had a good break.


The new blog 'Sods Law' is now live and will be added to each week. If you have any examples of your own frustrations please share them on the blog.

The sports blog will resume next week. Our blogger hasn't been able to keep it going so we have found a new blogger for sport.

The current daily news bulletin and sports report will end this week. We are looking for a new format which we hope will be available from next Monday.

This week

Mon: grammar - prepositions with 'ing'

Tues: grammar - under and over used as verbs, adjectives and nouns - have a go at this little quiz. The reading is about planting trees - something vital in today's world.

Wed: grammar - idioms based on parts of the body - all in current usage. Our listening is a very long interview on the BBC site (30 minutes) it's broken into sections but you'll need to concentrate! The topic is about real live Sherlock Holmes detectives tracking down modern day criminals.

Thurs: grammar - conditionals, The Diary of a Nobody is almost half way through. There is a dramatisation of this on TV this week as part of the BBC Edwardian season - worth looking out for.

Fri: grammar - an exercise in conjunctions and our business report.

The 3rd Language Snippets will be available in the member area to read or download.

Chat room forums resume in May - more details next week.

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