Do you need band 7 or 8 in each IELTS paper?

Berni Wall

Berni wall


  • Are you struggling to get those band 7/8s?

  • Do you practise every day yet still seem to be stuck with the same scores?

  • Are you worried that you'll never get the score you want?


If you are feeling like this then you are definitely in the right place.


Do you work for hours every day, get excited about your progress and even gain confidence in your ability just to get the same old result at every IELTS exam?


So why is this? Surely the harder you work the more certain the rewards? Isn't that what we've always been told?


Well here's the thing, working hard will not necessarily give you the results you want - hard is good but there is a more certain way of getting those results and it IS possible and without TOO much effort.


  • I speak to doctors (and other professionals) preparing for IELTS all the time and they tell me how they are suffering with IELTS.


  • They tell me that they really just want to get on with their career.


  • And they tell me how IELTS is holding them back and in some cases making them feel depressed.


  • They tell me how they eventually become afraid to take the test


  • And sometimes they actually give up hope AND give up trying


  • Some even tell me that they wish that they had never gone into medicine at all because of the IELTS.


This is very tragic as it really doesn't have to be this way.


If you are feeling like this then there is a way to put IELTS behind you once and for all!


  • Imagine how it would feel on that day when your result is the result you want!


  • Imagine putting away your IELTS practice books and taking out your PLAB books or actually applying for a job!


  • Imagine your joy on that day!


I can see that joy for you. I also know that is IS possible for that day to come very soon.


I know this because I have worked with doctors preparing for the IELTS for over 15 years and I have seen many of them move from lacking confidence and despairing that they would ever get the bands they wanted to becoming excited about the exam, really enjoying English and then passing IELTS with flying colours!


I also know that it IS possible for you to get to where you want to be because I have been an IELTS examiner and I know what it takes to get through this exam with a band 7 or above from both sides of the table.


So, what is the magic ingredient that you need to pass IELTS?


The truth is that there is NO magic, IELTS is a very straightforward exam and if you prepare well and your English is at the right level then you should get the band 7 or above that you want.


BUT your IELTS preparation needs to be SMART rather than hard and endless.


By being more focused on the tasks, understanding the techniques you need and with the RIGHT SUPPORT an IELTS band 7 or above is perfectly achievable.


AND you ARE in the right place because right here there is a support network that will help you to get your IELTS score and move on with your career.


Using my own Advanced English training site, Gapfillers, and my own expertise in IELTS, I can help you to get the score you are looking for.


YOU can join the Gapfillers IELTS group absolutely free and you will immediately get access to my free presentation THE TROUBLE WITH IELTS.


In this presentation you will discover some of the common mistakes people make when preparing for the exam and some tips and suggestions on how to avoid these mistakes and get yourself on-track for IELTS success.

(the link to the presentation is on the welcome page - watch or download it, it's your choice).


Joining is easy; follow this link, register (it's absolutely free), (don't forget to tick the IELTS group button) and that's it!


As a member of the group you will receive regular updates on preparing for the exam and and also the chance to join in my teleseminars and seminars and all the other IELTS training opportunities I offer. You will become a member of a highly focused and supportive group of doctors (and other professionals) who are all, like you, on their IELTS journey.


And I am there too to support you and make sure that you get the band you want and move on with your life.


With this level of support you cannot lose.


So take action and sign up for the IELTS group today!


I really want you to be one of my IELTS stars!

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