Word of the Day index
able to achieve the desired result | |
on your bike! - tell someone to go away | |
once in a blue moon - very rarely | |
one good turn deserves another one good turn deserves another - if you help someone they will return the favour | |
One man's meat is another man's poison (proverb) One man's meat is another man's poison - people don't always like the same things | |
one swallow doesn't make a summer one swallow doesn't make a summer - one good thing that happens doesn't mean that other good things will necessarily follow | |
a one-off - unique, different | |
one-up-man-ship - trying to be ahead or better than your rivals, no matter what they do | |
open season - a time when something is criticised by everyone |
Displaying records 1141 to 1150 of 1846 in 185 pages.