
Berni WallAre you ready to take your English language skills to new heights?

- How would it feel to be able to function in any situation with really great English skills?

Language is about skill and skills need building slowly and surely. By using authentic materials with well-crafted questions aimed at improving your skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing, your English will develop in leaps and bounds.

  • You may think that you are too busy to fit regular practice into your schedule

  • Or you may feel that it will be too difficult to work online alone

  • Maybe you are afraid that you won't be able to complete the work

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Firstly, how would it be to be able to work at your own pace and speed on a programme where the work is flexible?

How would it be too if your teacher was there to help you through your learning day by day?

Finally imagine what it would be like with great support which helped you when you got stuck and encouraged you when you had doubts?


With such personal encouragement and care you would never want to give up and would maintain your focus and determination to reach your goal.


And how can you be sure? Because I have done this myself with my own language skills and know how hard it can sometimes be. I also know that with the right help you can achieve your dream for your English, your work and your life.


If you are completely happy with your English then this wouldn't be for you.


But I have a hunch that you know you can achieve more and that really fabulous English language skills would transform your work and your future. That is why I really want you to be a part of this new programme and why you need to take decisive action TODAY and change your English language for ever.


This programme isn't for everyone. I only want to work with people who are really committed to change and really dedicated to transforming their English performance.


I know that you are such a person which is why you are receiving this very special opportunity to work with me and my team to really make a difference to your English language in the next 6 months.


  • How would it be to have your English practice there ready for you as soon as you switch on your computer?

  • Imagine how it would feel to really look forward to your learning because it engaged you and interested you?

  • And think how it would feel to see yourself making progress day by day.


GapfillersProfessional is a 6-month programme, covering the English you need for work and offered online. It uses exercises created from real, authentic materials and combines these with weekly group speaking sessions and some 1:1 Skype lessons.


You can continue to study alone and without expert help or you can decide once and for all to put yourself in expert hands and make the difference to YOUR English that you have always dreamed of.


So take action TODAY and call or email me to book your place. You can email me berni.wall@language-tuition.co.uk or call me on Skype (rliberni). Whichever you choose I really want to hear from you.


I am really excited about this programme it is our best yet and this is an exclusive offer to you to come and join us in what will be a life-transforming experience.


With a combined experience of over 80 years of English language training we have pushed the boat out to create a programme that will knock your socks off and we can guarantee that if you take this English language journey with us you will emerge with English language skills that REALLY SHINE!


So, what have we done?


For 6 months you will be immersed in a fantastic programme that is completely flexible, really hands-on and with the most amazing personal support you can imagine. Every aspect of your English language development will be addressed and you have complete access to us for questions, help and encouragement.


So, what does a programme like this cost?

£10,000, £8,000 Yes, it could quite easily cost this with the level of support that we are providing.




This amazing programme costs just £5,000




We are offering it to you during May 2012 for only £3,500 (or £3,000 in a single instalment)


And that's not all,


The first 2 people to sign up by the end of May 2012 will get an invitation to spend 5 says studying with me in the UK for no extra charge!


Make 2012 YOUR year to really improve your English skills! - don't miss out!


After May the price goes back to £5,000


If you are not sure that it's for you then contact me anyway and we can see. I'll tell you if it isn't berni.wall@language-tuition.co.uk


If you really want to improve your English skills then there's no more "Yes, but..." or "I can't because..."


Those are excuses and I know you're more powerful than that.


So call or email me soon berni.wall@language-tuition.co.uk. I'm waiting to get you started on the programme that will change YOUR English skills, YOUR work and YOUR life for ever.


Trust your intuition and let's get started because, clearly, you're meant to be one of my GapfillersProfessionals!




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