Berni Wall

Are you ready to move your IELTS band higher?

Do you need help to do this?

Would you like some techniques that will help you reach those higher bands?

Are you ready to take action and make the changes that will move you forward to this?

Then, don't miss tomorrow's free webinar!


  • Imagine how you will feel when you see those 7 and 8 band scores

  • Imagine how you will feel when you can put the IELTS exam behind you for ever and move on with your work and your life

  • And imagine how it will feel when you also know that your level of English will take you into a new and exciting future


Do you sometimes feel as though that day will never come?

Well it will come if you decide to get the support you need to make it come.


Do you sometimes feel as if all your hard work is going nowhere?

Well you will be successful if you work smarter rather than just harder.


Do you sometimes feel as though the IELTS exam is controlling your life?

Well it won't if you are in control of YOUR English and YOUR preparation and YOUR performance.

Sometimes I hear comments about IELTS that make me very sad.


  • One student told me that he had taken the exam 3 times and got band 6 every time. He knew that if he kept doing the same things he would keep getting a band 6 but he was too afraid to change anything.


  • Another student told me that because she had got a band 7 in her listening test in her last IELTS exam she wasn't going to do any more listening and would just concentrate on the other papers - I think you probably know what happened next.


  • Another student said that he knew that his writing was band 6 but if he just kept practising and had no mistakes he would be fine. His essays were very good - at band 6.

If you are a band 6 expert at IELTS then YOU know that to be an expert at band 7 and band 8 you need to do something different - nothing will change if you don't make it change.

There are many people who are good at band 6 and if that's what they need than that is great.

I know that you need to be great at band 7 or band 8. I also know that you are committed to getting that band that is why you are here on this site improving your English language skills.

So, it's time now to step up, make those changes that you need and get the confidence to really perform in your English and have the control you need to move up to band 7 and band 8.

  • Remember with the right help and support you can find the courage to change how you do things and move forwards

  • Remember that you don't need to work harder just smarter.

  • And remember that unless you change and move forwards you might continue to get band 6 or 6.5

Learn how to take control and get the band score you need and have been working for.

Register now for tomorrow's free webinar - Breakthrough to IELTS Higher Bands

Join me and the others who want to step up to IELTS higher bands.


  • But hurry at 12.00 tomorrow your opportunity will have gone


Breakthrough to IELTS higher bands - Wednesday June 22nd at 12.00 London time

  • Sign up now for the free webinar and make sure that you get the information you need to make a difference to your scores.

On the form - give us your name and email address and tell us you want to attend the webinar and we'll email the details to you.

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