Gapfillers News

Fleetham Lodge winter 2008/9

Fleetham Lodge


The wild Winter wind is broken by the trees

and the wood has a cool, icy hush

as the watery sun dances patterns on the brook

running wild thro' Black Carr Wood

an extract from Black Carr Wood

by Cecilia Brabin

see the whole poem

February in the UK

February has brought us some of the worst ice and snow for years. A perfect excuse for sitting by the fire with a laptop and enjoying some Gapfillers short stories or poems!

As February also brings us Valentine's day then poems would be appropriate.Have a look at the archive for a good range of topics and poets.

Fleetham Lodge

(see picture above)

This is our training centre in North Yorkshire where we run intensive residential courses for groups of 4 students (12 on a day course)

We have some new and exciting courses planned for 2009.

Set out in the country, yet easily accessible by air, train or road, it is the perfect venue for truly focused study.

See the range of courses offered


The theatre is providing us with our current vocabulary and subject matter. We hope you are enjoying these. The exercises on Macbeth today introduce you to the plot and characters of the play - now try and see it for real! Or have a go at the Cinderella listening exercise.

There are lots of theatre words too - used in every day contexts.

To find out about other themes planned on the site have a look at the events calendar.

Word of the Day

We have been busy indexing all the words and phrases (800+ now!). You will find them indexed alphabetically and under themes.


  • is live - but we are still refining some of the exercises - more on this soon!
  • Look out for a re-run of the Murder Mystery game next month - be ready to sign up!!
  • Please let us have all your comments and suggestions - we love to have them and it helps us to develop the site.




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