Pantomime - a Christmas tradition - VB


Question 1 of 1

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a goody

gender rôle reversal





an in-joke




in drag

to be / go over your head




a guest star


a walk-on part

jobbing (adj)

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an amusing anecdote shared exclusively by a particular group

set of clothes worn by an actor or performer for a rôle or show

a good or favoured person, especially a hero in a story or film

a basic type of amusing acting in which the actors behave in a silly way, such as by throwing things, falling over, slipping on a banana skin

part of a song which is repeated, usually after each verse

used of ideas or culture which are intellectual

a very small, insignificant rôle involving an actor being on stage for a short time, and speaking very few or no words

to be too difficult or strange for you to understand

a well-known, popular person invited to appear as a ‘star’ in order to attract a larger audience

set of actors in a play or film

(of a man) dressed in women’s clothing

a remark or remarks that suggest something sexual or unpleasant but do not refer to it directly

relating to current affairs

a way in which sth is usually done

continuously throwing into the air and catching a series of objects

the main sequence of events in a play, film or novel

someone who does not work regularly for one person or organization but does small pieces of work for different people, used of an actor / plumber / builder/ gardener etc.

clever, especially in a dishonest or secretive way

ridiculous but amusing behaviour (from the Italian for a ‘clown’)

situation in which what is traditionally done by males is done by females and vice versa

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