Berni Wall

I am thrilled that you have decided to focus on your IELTS preparation and joined this programme. Here you will get all the advice, expertise and practice that you need to move your IELTS performance forward.


I am always available to answer any questions or doubts you might have - just send me an email and I'll help you


Here's how to get started


All the exercises for IELTS Step by Step are housed in the Gapfillers site so the first thing you will need to do is Register on the Gapfillers Site. This is easy to do.


Follow this link: https://www.gapfillers.com/register


Once you have registered you will be moved into the IELTS Step by Step programme and will receive an email directing you to the lessons page, webinars and other features of IELTS Step by Step.


Once you receive this you can get started on your practice and preparation!!


After you have receive the email - everything you need to follow the programme will be available from the Gapfillers Home Page - Look for IELTS Step by Step on the left-hand side of the page.


Happy studying!!


I believe in YOU!!




P.S.You will receive a daily lesson to complete BUT all the lessons are available to you from the beginning so if you want to work faster you can.




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