
™ELTMentor is a programme designed not only to support you through the first year of your teaching but also provide you with the tools and information to continue your professional development throughout your teaching career.

  • 10 monthly teleseminars on current teaching topics:

    A seminar each month that will cover practical teaching topics such as skills teaching, using technology, motivation, use of L1 etc.. These can be downloaded if you can't make the live session. Members can nominate topics for this. Transcripts will be available.

  • 2-monthly Q&A session with your group and mentor:

    Mentoring groups are limited to 12 people and each month you can attend a session with your teacher-mentor to discuss any issues that have come up in the past month or any questions you have regarding your current teaching work. The Mentor will prepare a topic for discussion also which will normally come out of threads or questions posted on the forum. 

  • Access to a dedicated ELTMentor forum to share ideas and successes, ask for information, discuss ELT topics

    The forum will be a place to have discussions or post ideas, successes, concerns and questions about anything ELT related. You are always sure to get lots of helpful advice and suggestions from experienced and new teachers alike.

  • Email/Skype access for any problems or help

    You can always contact us by email if you need special help. If you need something urgent or need to speak to someone in person then we can be available on Skype. We really want to support you as much as we can.

  • Access to the Gapfillers E-learning site (www.gapfillers.com)

    Gapfillers is aimed at Advanced students. It uses authentic materials covering all the skills, grammar and vocabulary. It also has sections on poetry, short stories and jokes. You can use these materials (if you need this) as language development. You are also welcome to use them in your teaching if you wish.

  • 3 half-day online workshops

    These will be online events and one will be the Pecha-Kucha workshop outlined above. The idea is to go into more detail about one topic in ELT.

  • Priority booking on any residential workshops at Fleetham Lodge

    Residential workshops are held twice a year in the UK at Fleetham Lodge. These are free events (a small charge is made for accommodation/food) but limited to 6 people.

Product Info

™ELTMentor Programme


1 Year

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