Overseas link in Guy murder


As police continue their investigations into the murder of gallery owner R T Guy, rumours continue that there were money problems at 'Massive', and police have confirmed that this is an area of the investigation that is still 'ongoing'.

D I Nabbem, who heads the investigation, has confirmed that they are looking at some "overseas business connections" which involved Guy and artist Rip Toft who has had several exhibitions of his work at the gallery.






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At his home last night, neither Toft nor his glamorous wife Tik could be persuaded to speak to reporters regarding this newest line of inquiry.


M T Hart, Guy's girlfriend, was unavailable for comment but a source close to her said that she was unaware of any financial issues with regard to 'Massive' or any overseas business that Guy may have been doing.

The source added that Hart was considering a number of offers from tabloid newspapers to serialise her life with Guy whom Hart describes as "the one true love of my life".

'Massive', meanwhile, remains closed as a mark of respect.


Tom Wragg


Daily Explorer

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